Driving the Security Vehicle

Once the security officer has begun to operate the security vehicle, all California state driving regulations must govern the behavior of the driver. First and foremost, the security officer must possess a valid California driver’s license and even though liability insurance will be provided by the contract security company, all personnel must maintain the minimum level of personal liability insurance as required by law. Security vehicles receive no special exemption from driving regulations. Under no circumstances are security officers to exceed posted speed limits for any reason. In addition, under no circumstances are hitchhikers, disabled motorists or others to be permitted inside the security vehicle or given transportation. For those employees who have clients that may require assistance, appropriate calls should be made to ensure the individual receives vehicle assistance or other appropriate aid. Liability issues exist for the security officer and his/her employer should any non-security personnel be injured while in the vehicle.

While patrolling, security personnel must always be observant of road and surface conditions that may be hazardous such as snow, ice and rain. In addition, while patrolling on private property, defensive driver techniques will assist the officer in maintaining an excellent safety record. In dark conditions, and while patrolling a client’s property, blind corners need special attention.

When driving, security personnel need to ensure that they stay on the road surface at all times and never drive onto areas off of the main road unless specifically told or asked to do so in the post orders or instructions. Many manufacturing facilities may have vehicle hazards such as broken or jagged glass, wood, steel, etc. that can cause damage to tires. A security vehicle with flat tires is of no use! Even while on private property, security officers must adhere to all posted speed limits and obey all traffic rules.

You must drive defensively at all times. Assume that the drivers surrounding your vehicle are not attentive to you. Be prepared for anything and always be courteous while patrolling. Never engage in improper behavior or display hand gestures to rude or offensive drivers. Never use your vehicle’s spotlight or emergency lights other than for their intended use.