Post Orders & Assignments (Lesson 2 of 16)
Once the individual hired to work as a security officer has been provided with all of their pre-employment, office indoctrination and training, it is time to report on-duty at the site where he/she will serve. As a practical matter, it is wise for the officer to leave for work with more time
than the usual allotted time. This will provide the officer with the time necessary to familiarize himself/herself with the location, handle any watch change-over duties, and minimize the chances of being late due to unforeseen traffic congestion.
Every security company has a unique on-duty reporting system. The following are examples:
1- Signing an attendance sheet that denotes the time one arrived and departed from the facility.
2- Placing a telephone call into the main or branch office via a local or toll free number. Often this information is recorded by a secretary or person acting as a dispatcher.
3- An automated system in which the officer calls a toll-free number and is asked to provide their
employee identification number. The time is automatically entered into a computerized time
and attendance data base. The same procedure is followed when the officer reports off-duty
at the end of the shift.
- Use of a two-way radio to communicate with a dispatcher or supervisor reporting on and off-duty.
No matter what of system is used- the objective is the same – proof of coverage. The contract security company is contractually required to prove and document that all officers reported on-duty in a timely fashion and that the security post was never left unattended. When reporting on-duty, the security officer is either to be in a clean and wrinkle-free uniform prepared to assume his/her duties. Or if lockers are provided for officers, he/she should arrive to work in advance of starting time in order to have enough time to change clothes. A security offi cer should not report on-duty and then leave to change into his/her uniform!