• High anxiety; assessing perceived adversary’s vulnerability; verbal threats; abusive language; personal threatening gestures; open refusal to cooperate; intimidation.


* Set limits by consequences.

* “I know you are upset but you cannot continue to behave this way.”

Either you calm down and discuss the problem or we will escort you off the problem or we will escort you off the property.”

* “Either you calm down or we will help you control yourself.”

* Never give an ultimatum unless you are prepared to “back it up” and follow through.

* “Either you go to your room like the nurses have asked or we will take you to your room.”

* All communication should be short, simple and to the point. In planning any response to an emergency, the first question which must be addressed is identifying the objectives of the Emergency Plan. An Emergency Plan must be developed and detailed in writing addressing a variety of emergencies which might affect an organization.

The plan should be in writing and should identify the following:

  1. An Emergency Plan Director or Coordinator
  2. An Emergency Preparedness Team Detailed instruction addressing emergencies such as fi re, serious injury, tornadoes and severe weather, floods, winter storms, bomb threats, civil disturbance and chemical spills are just some of the emergencies which could affect an organization.