Access Control Security Investigation Services Division offers complete investigation services for businesses, attorneys, accountants, insurance companies and government agencies. Personal investigation services are also provided if we feel we can offer help with your situation.
The specialized Investigation Services we offer include:
Business & Government Investigations
Background Checks/Employee Screening
Are you a new car dealer? Is that potential hire that “looks good” to you actually a convicted car thief? Do you run a pharmacy? Is that well-dressed applicant actually a heroin addict? We can help you to determine the facts so that you can make an informed hiring decision. We provide:
- Criminal Record Checks
- Motor Vehicle Records
- Credit History Verification
- Asset Searches
- Residence Address History/Verification
- Drug Testing
- Fingerprinting
Undercover/Plainclothes Agents
We provide operatives who work for our clients as regular employees.
As such, they are in a position to gain the trust of dishonest personnel and are able to learn of any conspiracies to defraud management.
Surveillance -Video & Film
Is your “out-sick” or “disabled” employee actually enjoying their paid time off by running in a marathon? Are your employees selling your goods on some street corner or maybe to one of your competitors? We have the trained personnel and the state-of-the-art equipment to get the hard evidence you need on video and film.
Personal Investigations
Do you have some tough questions about your fiancée or spouse? Or maybe about your nanny or other personal employee? You know, the kinds of questions that can only be answered by a professional investigator. Call us for a free and confidential consultation about the information you need. We’ll let you know if we feel we can offer help with your situation.