Every weekend faith-based centers are filled with people pertaining to various belief systems. They congregate to sing songs, read scriptures and share in moments of peace and serenity with their fellow neighbors. It is a tragic fact that, even in the holy halls of a church, the possibility of a crime occurring is very real.
Religious Insitutions and Locations
As recent newscasts have reported, shootings, thefts and vandalism have all been known to occur in churches, a fact that leaves an unsettling taste in the mouths of patrons, but can also have a negative effect on attendance. While patrons may not be dissuaded from attending masses, they can certainly elect to choose a different church, which can have disastrous effects on the churches coffers. It is important for faith-based facility managers to recognize the profound effect that proper security can have on their religious programs, and as such, partner with a dedicated team of security experts.