online guard card training

Because individuals are now more concerned with their safety and security, security guard positions are currently in high demand everywhere. Another important factor is that the epidemic caused many individuals to lose their jobs and search for more secure employment, which greatly boosted the security sector’s growth. Many people registered their names for security guard positions in 2022. In the near future, it is predicted that the State of California would need to hire more than 3,000,00 security guards. Don’t wait any longer if you want to get stable employment because security guard jobs are currently the most lucrative.
All security guards in California are required by law to be licensed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) and undergo extensive training. First and foremost, the candidate must meet the minimum age requirement of 18 and have a clean criminal record. The applicant must also finish 40 hours of online guard card training.
Therefore, Access Control Security (ACS) is one of the best digital platforms for acquiring best guard card training courses online at a fair price if you want to enroll yourself in full guard card training. Only effective training and education provided by ACS are recognized by BSIS.
As a result, the organization only offers pertinent instruction that is easy to follow and grasp. First, ACS offers a basic training session that is divided into two parts:
a) Power to Arrest (4 hours) – This course introduces the candidate to the legal requirements as well as the main duties of security guards. The training is taught using the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Power to Arrest Training Manual and consists of lectures, debates, exercises, and role-playing.
b) Weapons of Mass Destruction (4 hours) – This lesson introduces the candidate to the methods for seeing, examining, and reporting signs of terrorist activity. This training is based on the Digital Video Disk (DVD), Student Workbook, and Facilitator Manual from the Department of Consumer Affairs’ Weapons of Mass Destruction & Terrorism Awareness for Security Professionals course.
Following this training, the FBI will do a background check on you and the California Department of Justice will receive your fingerprints. You can apply for a security guard position once your record is clear, but you cannot work a full-time schedule.
You must complete an additional 16 hours of training within 30 days of receiving your guard card and an additional 16 hours of training within 6 months of receiving your guard card in order to operate as a professional full-time security guard.
So, if you’re looking for the best guard card training courses online or want a hassle-free guard card renewal, go to or give us a call at 877-482-7324 for more information. We are happy to assist you.