Being a security guard is a fantastic alternative for you if you’re looking for a part-time career because it offers a number of advantages.  Security guard jobs offer everything you need, from accommodating work patterns to generous pay.  As a matter of fact, since the pandemic, demand for trained security personnel has risen dramatically.  During that time, the crime rate significantly increased. Nowadays, everyone is very conscious of security and safety. Even commercial and residential property owners are upgrading their security measures and employing qualified security guards for complete protection. Therefore, now is the ideal time to enroll in Access Control Security’s (ACS) security guard training program.

In order to provide candidates with real training, ACS is the best online security guard training platform that closely adheres to Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) certified training. Industry specialists from ACS deliver the training in a straightforward manner to facilitate learning. The professionals undertake a variety of interactive exercises and role-playing games to make the training sessions interesting. But be sure you are at least 18 years old before registering your name with ACS.  If you satisfy the prerequisites, begin the fundamental training, which entails:

  1. a) Power to Arrest (4 hours) – During this training session, the candidate learns in-depth information on the legal responsibilities of their security guard job. The guiding manual, which includes talks, lectures, exercises, and role-playing, is “The Department of Consumer Affairs’ Power to Arrest Training Manual.”
  2. b) Weapons of Mass Destruction (4 hours) – The applicant learns in-depth information about the procedures for examining, recognizing, and reporting activities that could be precursors to terrorist attacks. In the guiding reference, which consists of a Digital Video Disc (DVD), Student Workbook, and Facilitator Manual, “The Department of Consumer Affairs’ Weapons of Mass Destruction & Terrorism Awareness for Security Professionals course” is mentioned.

The FBI will perform a background check after the aforementioned training is finished. A temporary guard card license will be given to the candidate if the background check reveals no criminal history. Then they can submit an application for a part-time security guard job. However, the candidate must complete an additional 32 hours of training if they want to work as a security professional full-time.

Therefore, contact or click or call 877-482-7324 to acquire best online security guard training