Communications (Lesson 3 of 9)
Chemical Spill or Leak
- The time the incident was reported to you
- How were you notified of the spill or leak and by whom?
- The specific location of the spill or leak.
- The type of materials involved (solvents, flammables, etc…)
- The extent of any injuries and the number of persons injured.
- Did any of the material that spilled or leaked enter a drain?
- Whether or not the spill has been contained with absorbing clay or other cleanup material
- The time that 9-1-1 was notified and by whom.
- The time emergency personnel arrived on scene.
- Whether or not the facility was evacuated.
- The time you notified client contacts and your supervisor.
Environmental Emission
- The time the incident was reported to you
- How were you notified of the incident and by whom?
- The specific location of the emission.
- The source of the emission (material or chemical)
- Extent of injuries and number of persons injured.
- The time you notified client contacts and your supervisor.
- The time that 9-1-1 was notified and by whom.
Weather-Related Events
- Any damage done to the property.
- The time you notified client contacts and your supervisor.
- The time that outside services were notified to remove tree limbs, restore power, etc…
- The extent of any injuries and the number of persons injured.
- The time 9-1-1 was notified.
- The total number of persons in the building.
- Advise of ability for extra security personnel to report on duty.
Assault/Domestic Dispute At Work
- The time the incident was reported to you
- How were you notified of the incident and by whom?
- The specific location of the incident.
- The names of the persons involved.
- The extent of any injuries and the number of persons injured.
- If known, identify the type or kind of weapons involved.
- If known, identify any hostages.
- The time that 9-1-1 was notified and by whom.
- The time emergency personnel arrived on scene.
- Whether or not the facility was evacuated.
- The time you notified client contacts and your supervisor.
Osha Inspection
- The time the OSHA officer arrived on the scene.
- How were you notified of their arrival?
- The specific location of the inspection.
- Was the OSHA officer asked to provide proper photo identification?
- The time you notified client contacts and your supervisor
- What time was the theft reported to you?
- How were you notified of the theft and by whom?
- The specific location of the theft.
- Type of property involved (personal or company)
- Identification of the property (such as color, size, model and serial number, weight, if a vehicle obtains make, model, year, color and license number).
- The names of any witnesses.
- The names of any possible suspects.
- If the police are involved, the time that the police were notified.
- The time the police arrived on the scene.
The time you notified client contacts and your supervisor