PUBLIC RELATIONS (Lesson 13 of 33)
Create Peace of Mind
Another important aspect of the role of the security officer is to create a “peace of mind” or comfort level on the part of all persons who enter the facility serviced by a contract security officer. A security officer who is diligent in their tasks, polite to all whom they come into contact, neat in appearance and an example with a positive mental outlook, will create the peace of mind that is expected and appreciated by the client.Compliment/Support Client’s Security Program
Security officers are to enhance and support the overall security program that has been implemented by the client. There is no opportunity in our job description to disagree or to comment on a particular procedure. In addition, a security officer should never apologize for requesting compliance with a security policy. Saying to someone, “I’m sorry but I need to see your I.D. badge before you enter,” conveys an impression the security officer does not really know what they are doing or really does not want to enforce the requirement. The role of a security officer is to support and adhere to the policies and procedures of the client’s program. Disagreeing or offering opinions that are not solicited or warranted is considered unprofessional and detracts from the role of all security personnel.
Client Relations
The surest way to success in your chosen field is to project a positive image and to establish good relationships with everyone you come into contact. Being polite, friendly and helpful is a positive element required for success.
Besides visual appearance, the tone of one’s voice and the willingness to offer a “good morning” or a “may I help you?” creates a positive impression in the minds of the listener.
As security officers, to improve our chances of success, we should follow these simple guidelines:
- Arrive to work a few minutes early, in a clean uniform.
- Bathe or shower just before leaving for work.
- Greet your co-workers with a friendly hello and smile.
- Ask the officer you are relieving what happened on the previous shift.
- Leave your personal problems and hang-ups at home.
- Perform even the non-security duties effectively.
- Ask at least once a day, “How can I help you?”
- Clean your work area before the end of your shift.
- Ask your relief officer if there is anything they need before you leave.
- Remember that you agreed to perform this job for an agreed amount of money. If you find a better job, treat your employers as you would like to be treated and give at least two weeks’ notice.
Perception vs. Reality
Often, clients of security companies misunderstand the role of security officers. Hopefully, the misunderstanding does not exist with the person security reports to at a facility. Employees may from time to time attempt to embarrass or trick security officers by using a fake employee I.D. badge or by criticizing security when a theft occurs. An employee who has just had their car stolen will often vent their frustration towards security personnel who were never in a position to prevent the theft. The fact the person may have owned one of the most popular vehicles stolen by thieves and the fact the work site is in a high crime area is of no consequence at the time of the theft. At these times, security officers should be polite and not engage in too much conversation with the frustrated or annoyed individual. Never make comments such as “Well, I knew that would happen sooner or later,” or anything similar. At these times, clients often believe security has been ineffective. In reality, there is only so much any person can do to prevent crime.