
The uniform of the security officer is the single greatest first impression a person sees when meeting the officer. A sloppy, dirty uniform cannot convey a positive impression.

Uniforms should always be clean and pressed. At least two sets of uniforms are supplied by most contract agencies. Usually, more uniforms are issued once the officer has demonstrated a willingness and ability to work consistently.

While not being used, uniforms should be neatly stored, either neatly folded or hung on hangers. A lint brush can also be used to clean the uniform prior to leaving for work. Pet hair (even if in a vehicle) can make an otherwise neat uniform unsightly.

Shoes or boots should be clean and polished. In addition, all badges or hats worn by officers should also be cleaned and presentable.

Conduct and Behavior

As discussed earlier in this module, improper or unethical behavior severely hampers the ability of the security officer to perform their tasks successfully. In addition, improper behavior by one security officer impacts the entire security organization. When a security officer believes or suspects a fellow officer is involved in conduct detrimental to the contract company or client, they have a duty to report it. This includes theft, destruction of property, continuing to arrive late for work, walking off post without permission, telephone abuse, sexual harassment or misconduct, sleeping on duty or using alcohol or drugs on duty.

Non-Security Duties

If a contest were held throughout the United States to determine what was the most ridiculous non-security duty performed by security officers, the list would be long and humorous. There may be reasons or past history as to why security is responsible for certain duties. These duties may include:

  • Answering the Telephone
  • Vehicle Maintenance
  • Delivering Mail
  • Janitorial
  • Lawn Care
  • Driver or Chauffeur

Non-security duties for officers may be standard operating procedure at many facilities. Remember your professionalism and that you are a security officer. Your primary role is to enhance and support the client’s security function. While answering the telephone may be part of access control, and driving may be part of executive protection, some non-security duties are inappropriate to ask a security officer to perform.

For officers facing the request to perform inappropriate duties, your first recourse is to contract your employer, the private security firm you work for. If your employer indicates that you should perform those duties, you must decide if you can fully accept these duties and perform them in a professional manner. If you cannot, you may have to make a decision about your assignment at that post.